CISP is funded by the NOVO Nordisk Foundation under the Challenge Programme 2023 - Grant number NNF23OC00807040.
Project period: 1 september 2023 to 31 august 2029.
In the Center for Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level Predictions (CISP) we will develop data-driven next-generation ice sheet models that will produce sea-level projections for the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
We will resolve the impact of key dynamic processes, using recent advances in high-resolution reconstructions of subtle changes in inland ice elevation and speed over the past three decades.
We will improve our understanding of interactions between models of ice sheet and solid earth, with a special attention to their consequences on regional and global sea-level changes.
CISP is funded by the NOVO Nordisk Foundation under the Challenge Programme 2023 - Grant number NNF23OC00807040.
Project period: 1 september 2023 to 31 august 2029.