20-21 August 2024. Venue: GEUS
Aug 20th, at 13-17 (investigators)
AUG 21st, all day (all stakeholders). Presentations:
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan: Monthly Greenland ice sheet elevation changes during 2003-2023 and status of AIS
- Javed Hassan: GrIS and AIS peripheral glaciers
- Anja Løkkegaard: Ice-bed interactions at Petermann
- Dominik Richard Fahrner: Ice-ocean interactions at Petermann
- Anders Kusk: Short term fluctuation in Ice Speed
- Helene L. Seroussi: Thermal state of AIS bed
- Helene L. Seroussi: New results from ISMIP6 to 2300
- Cheng Gong: Physics Informed Machine learning?
- Valentina Barletta: Theoretical sea-level change for end product